Lindenwood Campus Closed Today (1/19) – No In-Person Classes

Lindenwood Campus Closed Today (1/19) – No In-Person Classes

Due to inclement weather and potentially hazardous road conditions, the 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 campus will be closed today, 1月19日星期五. Non-essential employees are to work their regular hours remotely. Essential Employees should contact their supervisor for their on-campus schedule. We thank you in advance for your service.  

面对面的课程将以虚拟方式进行,或者将有可以远程完成的学习活动. Students enrolled in classes that are online, hyflex, or hybrid should check Canvas and email for information from their professor, since many of these learning activities will continue virtually. 教师应提供有关课堂作业和截止日期变化的信息. Students should check Canvas and email for communication from their instructors.  

All other in-person campus activities are canceled. Virtual events may continue as planned. Any change in dining service hours will be communicated and/or updated in GrubHub. 




学习学院很高兴地向大家介绍被选为2021-2022学年RISE学者的教职员工. RISE Scholars will serve as resident experts on the RISE framework. 学者们将通过主持圆桌会议和提供同行咨询,将RISE项目带到各自的学院. They are available to discuss ideas, 显示资源, 分享或复习材料, observe teaching or Canvas shells, collect informal feedback from students, and help to translate teaching practices across disciplines, 课程, 学生人数. RISE Scholars were chosen for their demonstrated dedication to teaching, 持续改进, 以及他们与同事良好合作的能力,以提高澳门威尼斯人平台官网的教与学.


Dr. 安娜Schnellmann

Dr. 安娜SchnellmannDr. 安娜Schnellmann has been teaching at 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 since 1995. She holds a BA in English from the College of St. 本尼迪克特(1986) , 获得俄亥俄大学英语硕士学位(1989年)获得俄亥俄大学妇女研究研究生证书(1989年) , 圣. 路易斯大学(1997年),澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学艺术史硕士(2020年).

作为一个终身学习者, 只要有可能,安娜就致力于继续接受正规和非正规的教育. Blessed to work in a strong community of excellent faculty, Ana’s goal is to continue to modify, 现代化, and strengthen her pedagogical skills. 除了, 安娜深深致力于澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学及其使命,并在大多数常务委员会任职. 目前, she is a member of the 学院委员会, 第一年写作委员会, and the Promotions in Rank Committee. 安娜因其适应大流行挑战的敏捷性而成为2020年ROAR奖的获得者之一.

Ana has taught in a plethora of settings ranging from prisons to honors classrooms, from community colleges to Lindenwood. 在每个场景中, Ana strives to use her experience, 热爱教学, and expertise to guide students to find their voices and unique styles. Writing as an ongoing recursive process is emphasized in her composition 课程. 在文学和理论课上, 安娜努力帮助学生看到文字的魔力,并使当代和经典作品成为学生可以联系和参与的东西. 在所有课程中, 安娜对学生的目标是培养和运用现实世界的权力技能,如批判性思维, 时间管理, 和团队合作.

我很荣幸也很谦卑地被选为今年艺术与人文学院的RISE学者. 我期待着与一群同事一起探索和完善理论, methods and techniques that will aid us in integrating the balance of rigor, 包容性, 支持, 和参与 in all of our 课程 university-wide.

Ana is our RISE Scholar Expert on Support. Check out what she has to say about 支持ing student success in the classroom.

给安娜发邮件 预约会诊.

Plaster College of Business and Entrepreneurship

Dr. Javeria Farooqi

Dr. Javeria FarooqiDr. 法鲁奇获得了博士学位.D. 在得克萨斯泛美大学获得工商管理学士学位,主修金融学. 她曾获得包括UTPA卓越奖在内的众多荣誉和奖项, 国际妇女委员会, VIP明星奖学金, and Texas Business Hall of Fame Scholarship.

She has presented her research at both national and international conferences, including 33rd Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, 南方金融协会, and Academy of Economic and Finance. 此外,Dr。. Farooqi has published her research in Journal of Investing, Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 经济学季刊, Journal of Economics and Finance, Review of Accounting and Finance, and International Journal of Accounting.

目前, she is the department chair of finance and teaches finance, both graduate and undergraduate level, 澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学的教授. 查尔斯. Dr. Farooqi also co-teaches Investment Application (Student managed portfolio of $100,她通过澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学董事会的慷慨捐赠建立了这所学校.

我无法表达我有多么激动和荣幸被选为石膏商业与创业学院RISE学者. I believe the best way to learn something is by teaching it. 这是我通过教别人如何出类拔萃来学习如何擅长教学的机会. 我很高兴能成为这个神奇项目的一部分,以及它带来的所有机会和可能性.

Javeria is our RISE Scholar Expert on Rigor. Check out what she has to say about the importance of rigor in the classroom.

给Javeria发邮件 预约会诊.

College of Education and Human Services

Dr. 艾米莉约翰逊

Dr. 艾米莉约翰逊Dr. 艾米莉约翰逊 is a Professor of Education at 澳门威尼斯人平台官网. 自1999年以来,她一直是一名全职教员,并在教育与人类服务学院教授研究生课程. 她获得了博士学位.D. In Educational Administration from St. 他给澳门威尼斯人平台官网带来了13年的公立学校教学经验, administration and teacher training.

除了教学之外,Dr. Johnson is the author of student study guides, 教师资源手册, 讲师测试库, and text 支持ing websites for Educational Psychology, 教学导论, and Educational Research texts for Pearson. 她的出版工作包括为澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学使用的教育心理学文本的学生和教师补充. Dr. 约翰逊被授予圣. 查尔斯 County 40 Under 40 Award, St. 查尔斯 County Ring of Excellence in Teaching Award and The Missouri Governor’s

Award for Excellence in Teaching. 她被认定为澳门威尼斯人平台官网杰出导师,并于2006年8月晋升为正教授. Dr. Johnson is a site evaluator for and the Missouri Schools and Districts of Character. She recently completed certification as a National Evaluator for Character.他有幸对哈莱姆区的一所中学和新泽西州的一所高中进行了评估.

I am really excited and honored to be a part of the RISE scholar program. 这里的教职员工 澳门威尼斯人平台官网有这么多才华横溢、富有创造力的教授,我迫不及待地想要学习 从他们身边!

给艾米丽发封邮件 预约会诊.

College of Science, Health, and Technology

Dr. 梅根Woltz

Dr. 梅根WoltzDr. 梅根·沃尔兹获得了B.S. 2007年在北卡罗莱纳州立大学获得环境科学硕士学位,主修生态学.D. 在昆虫学 & Ecology from Michigan State University in 2013. 她开始对教育学感兴趣,同时在她的研究生工作期间完成了教学学院科学证书. 自从, 她不断探索使用主动学习的新方法,以提高学生对课程的理解和参与. Dr. 沃尔兹于2015年加入澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学,定期教授生物多样性, 生态, 为生物学写作, 社会生物学, 生物学的顶点.

During her first year of teaching full-time, 她意识到,帮助学生学习如何学习并成功地在大学里度过难关,与覆盖课程同样重要. 她在课程开始时概述了成功的学习策略,然后将课程内容嵌入到学生合作练习定量推理等科学技能的活动中, 假设检验, 图形解释. 在过去的几年里. 沃尔兹已经意识到,有研究表明,学生身份和刻板印象威胁会影响学生在所有学科课程中的表现. 结果是, 她现在正在探索增加课程包容性的方法,以更好地为所有背景和身份的学生服务.

作为一名教师,不仅仅是告诉学生关于你的学科的重要信息. 教学包括帮助学生成为独立和自信的学习者,并创造一个减少由系统不平等造成的成绩差距的课堂. 能有这个机会更深入地研究严谨的教学研究,我感到无比兴奋和充满活力, 包容, 支持, 和参与. 更重要的是, 我很荣幸有机会帮助其他教师在他们自己的课程中找到提高RISE的方法, in ways that they are comfortable with and that are compatible with their content.

Megan is our RISE Scholar Expert on Inclusiveness. Check out what she has to say about 课堂上的包容性.

给梅根发封邮件 预约会诊.